Beetroot Tarts

Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 40 mins


  1. Preheat your oven to 200C.

  2. In a large, dep frying pan, sauté beetroot over medium heat in butter, add water and simmer until beets are just turning soft and the water has reduced.

  3. Add sugar, vinegar, and thyme to the pan. Season well with salt and pepper. Cook until mixture gets sticky and thickens. Set aside to cool of 20 mins.

  4. Meanwhile, butter four 12cm round tart moulds and line with a baking paper base. Cutting the pastry, a little bigger than the diameter of your mould and lay over and fit the pastry into the mould. Trim as needed.

  5. Arrange beetroot neatly at base of mould and bake in hot oven for about 10 minutes or until pastry is well cooked.

  6. Let cool for about 10 minutes before turning out. Crumble on the goat’s cheese and fresh thyme leaves to serve.

Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 40 mins
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  1. Preheat your oven to 200C.

  2. In a large, dep frying pan, sauté beetroot over medium heat in butter, add water and simmer until beets are just turning soft and the water has reduced.

  3. Add sugar, vinegar, and thyme to the pan. Season well with salt and pepper. Cook until mixture gets sticky and thickens. Set aside to cool of 20 mins.

  4. Meanwhile, butter four 12cm round tart moulds and line with a baking paper base. Cutting the pastry, a little bigger than the diameter of your mould and lay over and fit the pastry into the mould. Trim as needed.

  5. Arrange beetroot neatly at base of mould and bake in hot oven for about 10 minutes or until pastry is well cooked.

  6. Let cool for about 10 minutes before turning out. Crumble on the goat’s cheese and fresh thyme leaves to serve.