Luke’s Leftover Gratin

What is a Gratin? Making a gratin—layering raw or cooked items in a baking dish and cooking in creamy liquid with a crispy topping—is a guaranteed way to make your leftovers delicious (and with very little effort on your part).

This Recipe is flexible. Use it as a base, then add your leftovers—such as curry, roast chicken and veg, stalks and stems plus any leftover stock or wine. Watch Luke cook this recipe here.

What is a Gratin? Making a gratin—layering raw or cooked items in a baking dish and cooking in creamy liquid with a crispy topping—is a guaranteed way to make your leftovers delicious (and with very little effort on your part).

This Recipe is flexible. Use it as a base, then add your leftovers—such as curry, roast chicken and veg, stalks and stems plus any leftover stock or wine. Watch Luke cook this recipe here.

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